Family Education for Christ

Loft October Event 2024

The LOFT: Crazy Clown Car Caper Character List

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Dress suggestions are only suggestions.  Be creative: the more dramatic the costume the better.  Please keep in mind the FEFC dress code when making your costumes.

Chubby – I am the circus’ elephant. I am not big by elephant standards, but everyone calls me “Chubby”. Watch out because if I step on your toe you will be sorry. I am not a suspect, because I could not have opened the lock to the garage for a start. Dress suggestions: Wear a trunk and big ears (made from material or cardboard). Pad yourself with some extra pillows and wear dark brown, grey, pink or white clothes.

Tanya – I am the lioness that Corbin thinks he can control. I just do things to please him, but he certainly isn’t really in control. I just let him think he is. I am not a suspect, because I am never allowed out of my cage except when I am on stage. Dress suggestions: Wear a lioness outfit and wear light brown clothes.

Radek – I am a stunt rider from Czechoslovakia. My horse and I work extremely well together. We understand each other. I am not a suspect because last night I was away on a course about how to massage your horse. Dress suggestions: Wear horse-riding trousers, a fancy shirt and carry a small whip.

George – I’m a monkey. I do tricks and then hold out a cup for people to put money into. I’m smart, very playful, and love to dance. Humans adore me, and I know it. Dress suggestions: Wear all brown. Carry a plastic cup for coins and carry a small music player if you have one.

Garbage – I am a mutt who eats from the trash at the circus. I have been following around the circus crowd for so long now that I have become one of the family. I am quick witted as well as quick on my feet. Dress suggestions: Wear a headband with dog ears and use brown rope to make yourself a dog’s tail. Wear clothes that are a mixture of dark brown/grey/black. If you have clothes with spots, even better. Paint your face brown with black freckles 

Pumpkin – I am a parrot that sometimes comes out and talks to the crowd or to audience members before the show. My name is Pumpkin both because I have a lot of orange on my feathers and also because I love to munch on pumpkin seeds. I am outgoing and opinionated. Dress suggestions: Wear a long sleeved orange shirt and a short-sleeved red shirt over it. Wear green or brown slacks. Dye your hair orange or red and/or wear some orange feathers in your hair. Carry around some pumpkin seeds.

Connie – I am a boa constrictor that performs in the circus. I sometimes get annoyed at being told to do so many tricks and want to really strangle those humans who make me perform! I consider myself very sneaky and always find myself winking at audience members so they will catch on to how devious I am. Dress suggestions: Dress in green with a yellow shirt for your belly. Wear green or yellow shoes.

Sanjeev – I am the snake charmer. I do not have a lot of experience, so I only hope the circus snake does not strangle me one day. I am rather klutzy and always dropping things. Dress suggestions: Wear a loose, colorful shirt. Tie an old clothing item around your waist. Wear a big puffy hat or a turban.

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Sammy Center – I’m Sammy, the owner of the circus. It was my life’s dream to become the owner of my own circus. I was so happy when my father passed it on to me. I love what I do and I wouldn’t give it up for the world. Dress suggestions: Dress in a nice collared shirt and tie with nice pants and a fedora.

Tammy Center – I am Sammy and Danny’s mother. After I married their father, I gave up my own college education and potential career to dedicate myself to my family. I always had good suggestions as to help run the circus, but my husband would never listen to me. In fact, I was surprised that he didn’t leave the circus to me. Although I am proud of Sammy for finishing college and for bringing the circus from a small New England town, to its debut in New York City. Of course, I’m proud of Danny too, but for what, I’m not sure. Dress suggestions: Wear a slightly below the knee one piece dress and wear reading glasses and a wig and carry a purse.

Barbara Shoppe – I’m the bearded lady. I’ve been in the circus ever since I started growing my beard at age 18. I started shaving before any of the boys did and my parents didn’t know what to make of me. I don’t really like my job because people always stare and laugh at me, but I’ve gotten use to it since the circus is always moving from place to place. This is the only job for me. I don’t think I would be able to get another one. I don’t know what I will do without my missing beard! Dress suggestions: Wear a dress, high heels and a blonde wig. Wear a fake beard.

Bubbles – I’m the janitor. I tried out to be one of the clowns to fit into the small car. I did not get the part, and they gave me the job as the janitor. I was mad because my dream was to be a clown and be in the circus. When I was little everyone has always laughed and made fun of me. I  lways go to Banana Bee’s for dinner every night because I do not know how to cook. Dress suggestions: Wear a hat, old ripped jeans, a flannel shirt and old sneakers. Carry a rag and a mop or a broom. Make your face look scruffy.

Corbin Cubs – Everyone knows the lion tamer has the hardest job. I have to care for the lions 24/7! I groom, feed and even stay overnight to make sure the lions behave. My act in the show is very important. Not only do I risk my life by sticking my head into the lion’s mouth, but I have also trained the lions to jump through hoops. Since I am a main star of the show, I have no reason to be jealous. As for the clowns they’re always getting laughed at. Dress suggestions: Wear khaki pants and shirt, whip, chair and safari hat.

Svetlana Denisovich – I am from Russia. I was a former gymnast and trained all the time. My goal was to compete in international competitions. I agreed to join the circus because I was sick of gymnastics and wanted a change. Being a gymnast, I am used to all the attention being on me while I perform. I was immediately smitten with Igor and we were soon married. As time went on the clowns began to steal the show. Igor and I were very upset because we loved to be the center of attention. We were then motivated to create a new and better routine. Many of the other people in the circus doesn’t really like us because we are so talented, beautiful and exotic. Dress suggestions: Wear a dance leotard, ballet shoes.

Double-Cross Lou – I am well-known for my double motorcycle act, which is driving one motorcycle and then jumping on another. This act has given me the nickname of DXL. Everyone in the circus calls me that. I have been in the circus for about 13 years, and I love every second of it. Dress suggestions: Wear a jumpsuit, cape and a helmet. If you want you can bring a real or cardboard motor bike (full-sized or a tiny model).

Nadine Ludiker – I’m a hard-hitting New York newspaper reporter. When I smell a story like this I get excited. It’s the kind of story that would be a fun inclusion in our otherwise drab news section. Dress suggestions: Wear office clothes. Carry a notepad and pen. You might also like to carry  a recorder.

Sparkles – I am a clown that likes to shine. I razzle and dazzle everyone I meet. I have a wand and I sprinkle everyone with glitter. I am not a suspect because I have only just gotten back this minute from a week’s holiday. Dress suggestions: Wear colorful eccentric sparkly, glittery clown clothes, big oversized shoes, and different colored socks. Wear a red clown nose. Carry a wand and some glitter to dip it in.

Shannon – I am a fire-juggler, though I am still learning and make a lot of mistakes. I am kind of snobbish and try to show off my juggling, even though I’m not so great at it. Dress suggestions: Wear black pants and a black shirt, but wear a colorful ribbon in your hair. Cover toilet paper rolls with black paper and use red or yellow tissue paper to represent the fire coming out each end.

Becky – I’m a circus pony. Children ride me before the show as I walk slowly. I’m old and lonely. I like to spend time stopping and gazing at nature. Dress suggestions: Wear a headband that has ears.  Dress in light brown or grey with dark shoes.  Wear dark gloves on your hands for hooves.

Nifty – I am a unicorn. Just seeing me run through a hoop is enough to get the audience whoopin’ and hollerin’. I am shy, but I get all warm inside when I hear humans cheer for me. I am always looking for new green grass to eat. Dress suggestions: Wear a headband with a horn. Dress in white with colorful bracelets, necklaces, and dangly earrings. Maybe carry some grass to chew on.

Celia – I am the circus’s cat. I like the circus crew, but we travel too much, and they never give me as much attention as I would like. I am very curious and always moving my head looking each way. Dress suggestions: Wear a headband with fake ears. Paint your face yellow with brown freckles Wear a yellow and black striped outfit, or else dress in black pants and a yellowish shirt.

Frida – I am the usher for the circus. I am from Mexico and like to dress in the latest Latina trends. I have a thick Spanish accent and love humor/laughing. Dress suggestions: Wear black boots and a colorful shirt or dress with a straw sun-hat or sombrero.

Shu – I am a Chinese acrobat and I can perform all sorts of difficult feats. My body is like rubber. My name means “good, pure and virtuous”. I am not a suspect because last night I was staying with some other Chinese friends and they can vouch for me. Dress suggestions: Wear a black wig and an acrobat outfit such as a nylon leotard.

Jimbo Jones – I am the lead clown in the Center Brothers’ Circus and I deserve to be because I studied clowning at Oxford. The clown car has really made the clowns the stars of the show! Since the car was added to the act, our attendance tripled! It’s all because of the clowns and the car that the Center Brothers’ Circus has made it to the big time – New York City! No one can steal the show from us! Dress suggestions: Wear colorful eccentric clown clothes, big oversized shoes, and different colored socks. Wear a red clown nose 

Detective Donald O’Dunkin – I have been on the New York City police force for a long time. I’m near retirement and can’t wait. I’ve done my time on the force and I’m basically going through the motions of doing my job. Dress suggestions: Wear a trench coat and carry a cup of coffee in one hand and a doughnut in the other. Carry a cell phone and a notepad.

Markus – I train the circus parrots and other birds. I am from Great Britain and thus have a British accent. I have been obsessed with wild birds ever since I was a teenager and love to spend time in nature. I am very knowledgeable about birds and insects and can talk on and on in a monotone voice about them. Dress suggestions: Wear mismatching clothes or if you can find a shirt or tie with birds on it, even better. Also wear binoculars and carry a bird book if you can find one.

Munchie – I have been selling food at the circus for the last 25 years. I am in my late fifties and easy going, but I don’t care much about my appearance. I sweet-talk the people I sell snacks to in the hopes they will give me big tips. Dress suggestions: Wear red and white striped pants, or overalls and/or a red apron. Carry some popcorn bags or other snacks with you on a small tray.

Danny Center – I am the ringmaster of the Center Brothers’ Circus. I run the show and everybody knows it. I am the elder son. Nobody tries to take the show from me, not even my brother! Dress suggestions: Dress in a top hat, bow tie, black jacket, black pants, white undershirt and carry a cane.

Igor Denisovich – My wife and I have been in the circus industry our entire lives. We are trapeze artists. As I was a child growing up in Russia, my parents taught me all the tricks of the circus trade. I met my wife ten years ago when she joined the circus in Odessa, Russia. We love to be what everyone looks forward to so we train extra hard and plan a great show. We have become the most successful act in the Center Brothers’ Circus. Although many people think the clowns are the most successful act, they are sadly mistaken. Dress suggestions: Wear gymnastic style  clothes and bring something to juggle.

Squeaky – I am a mime for the circus. I am so used to miming that I sometimes forget to talk during normal non-performing hours and just use hand gestures. When I do talk, I use a high-pitched, squeaky and speedy voice because it is so out of practice. Dress suggestions: Wear a mask or paint your face white. Wear white slacks and casual dress shoes