Spring Formal Dress Code
The FEFC dress code applies to all persons attending FEFC events, including leaders, students, guests, parents, and siblings. Persons who are not in compliance with these guidelines may be asked to change attire or leave the event in question. Continued disregard of these guidelines and/or repeated offenses may result in exclusion from future activities in accordance with standing FEFC policy. In a situation in which questions arise, FEFC Leadership has discretionary authority on matters of acceptable or unacceptable clothing for events and activities. FEFC reserves the right to update or modify these guidelines as necessary.
FEFC Formal Attire Guidelines:
As you are shopping for the formal, please remember our dress code. Reflect the principles of modesty and personal dignity in appearance. Parents should review the guidelines and approve their student's attire. We reserve the right to deny admittance if FEFC guidelines are not respected.
Ladies' Attire Guidelines:
- Mid-section must remain covered with no front or side cut-outs; This applies to the back of the outfit as well.
Please be aware of how the outfit fits you. - Form-following dresses should not be tight or expose the body through the fit of the material.
- Dresses may be backless as long as they are not cut below the naval.
- Although strapless / spaghetti strap dresses are allowed, please ensure that ladies are well-covered;
dresses should show no cleavage. Lace or see through material in the cleavage area does not count as coverage. - Dresses may not be cut below the bust line. No Plunging Necklines.
- Slits should be of an appropriate, modest height, and beyond the fingertips when the arms are held straight at the sides.
- Undergarments should not be visible.
- Shoes should be clean -- tennis shoes if in good condition are fine. No flip-flops.
- Mothers should follow the same guidelines with an evening gown or formal cocktail attire.
*Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the loss of attendance privileges. Students who are inappropriately dressed will not be permitted to remain at the event.*
NOTE: Our freshman and sophomore ladies will often wear knee length party/formal dresses; however, longer dresses are certainly acceptable. Our upperclassmen juniors and seniors will usually wear long, formal evening gowns.
Gentlemen's Attire Guidelines:
- Pants / Shirts: Should be neither tight-fitting nor falling-off loose.
- A dinner jacket and tie are required for admittance.
- Proper dress shoes with socks are required.
- No hats unless it is a formal top hat.
- Suits or jackets with writing or graphic elements are allowed as long as the elements are appropriate and do not include any foul language or immodest subject matter.
- Shirts are to be worn at all times. Jackets may be removed.
- Undergarments should not be visible.
- Fathers should follow the same guidelines with a tuxedo or formal suit.
- Shoes should be clean -- tennis shoes if in good condition are fine. No flip-flops.
*Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the loss of attendance privileges. Students who are inappropriately dressed will not be permitted to remain at the event.*
NOTE: Our freshman and sophomore gentlemen will often wear khakis with a sports coat, button-down shirt, tie, and belt; however, more formal clothing is certainly acceptable. Our upperclassmen juniors and seniors will usually wear a tuxedo or a suit with a jacket, dress shirt, tie, belt/ cummerbund, and appropriate shoes.