Family Education for Christ

2024 Volunteer Form & Agreement

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Family Education for Christ Volunteer Agreement

Submission of a Volunteer Form assumes that you have read the policies stated below and agree to abide by them.

Family Education For Christ is a Christian home school support group run by volunteers serving one another. As a volunteer you are agreeing to be part of our mission to encourage member families to grow and thrive in their respective homeschool environments and to facilitate their success.

You must be involved in at least ONE volunteer activity. Listed below are possible volunteer positions.
Please check all areas in which you are willing to serve. You should select a minimum of 2 areas, in case one fills up. 

It is your responsibility to contact FEFC in case of cancellation. Please notify the Volunteer Coordinator of your cancellation at least two weeks before the event or by phone if a more immediate emergency arises.

As a volunteer, you have certain responsibilities and obligations; to have a positive, willing attitude, follow the instructions of the Board of Officers, Activity Coordinator, or Activity Leader, and be willing to listen and accept their leadership, be willing to work with others in a spirit of cooperation, show up on time, understand responsibilities, and ask questions if needed, and respect the privacy of the speakers, special guests, and other volunteers.

Volunteers who do not adhere to the rules and procedures of FEFC or who fail to satisfactorily perform their volunteer assignment are subject to dismissal.

There are many activities FEFC has done in the past, such as science fair, spring talent show, spelling bee, or bowling.  If you would like to like to lead these activities, or if you have a gift or passion for something you'd like to start, please email us at [email protected].



 (2 required)
American Heritage Girls Volunteer Book Fair Coordinator - Plans annual FEFC Book Sale
Book Fair Helper - Assists with annual FEFC Book Sale Elementary Group Coordinator - Manages group for K-5
Field Day Volunteer - Assists with planning and on event day Field Trip Coordinator - Organizes volunteers to plan & supervise field trips
Field Trips Helper - Assists at field trips GHEA Coordinator
Graduation Helper - Assists coordinator with planning and on event day Graduation Photographer
Graduation Slideshow Producer - creates graduation slideshow Kindergarten Graduation Coordinator
Meeting Hostess Volunteer - helps with meeting set-up, snacks, etc. for 1 meeting Meeting Hostess Coordinator - Gathers helpers for snacks/coffee/etc. for meetings
Middle School Group Volunteer Park Day Host - Point person for families gathering at park, helps with q&a for new homeschoolers
Prayer Chain & Bereavement Coordinator Pre-School Play Group Volunteer
Trail Life Volunteer Venue & Location Scout - helps locate venues for FEFC events/activities
Yearbook Photographer Yearbook Volunteer
Youth Theatre Ensemble: ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL Volunteer Youth Theatre Ensemble Volunteer
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Please provide your first and last name.

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Please enter your email address.


If you would like to start a club/activity, please list your idea below.